Women Start Your Engines: Celebrating Women in Australian Agriculture

Women Start Your Engines: Celebrating Women in Australian Agriculture - Belle Baker in the Massey Ferguson Tractoring For Women Video

Today marks International Women’s Day 2024, and for a change, I’m swapping my RB Sellars pink workshirt for something a bit more glamorous. While there are many ways to achieve that ‘glam’ look, one thing’s for sure: the boots are staying home, and the high-heels are coming out!

belle baker international womens day

International Women’s Day has got me thinking. Everywhere I look, there’s talk about the women who’ve inspired us or what this day means to each of us. And while it’s great to see so much love and respect being shared, it also feels like a lot of pressure to say the perfect thing.

This day means different things to different people. Some argue it’s not the time to celebrate given the tough situations facing women in places like Gaza. Others debate the purpose of the International Women’s Day website and whether it truly represents what we’re fighting for, like closing the gender pay gap or getting more women into leadership roles.

But today, I want to focus on the strong, bright spirit of women in Australian agriculture. It’s about celebrating with friends and those I’ve yet to meet, who remind me I’m on the right path.

The tractor and machinery world here in Australia is mostly run by men. But we’re starting to make our mark. And speaking of making a mark, I want to give a huge shout-out to the support we’ve seen from tractor manufacturers and dealerships. It was incredibly uplifting to see Massey Ferguson not only support our Tractoring for Women event in Oakbank but also send a videographer to capture the day. It’s been amazing to see such enthusiasm for what we’re doing, and this video is something really special.

Women were only recognised as farmers in their own right in the Census of 1994, so we’ve got some catching up to do. And even today, many women don’t see their farm life as a ‘career.’ But every day, women across this country are showing that farming is more than just a job. It’s a passion, a lifestyle, and for many, a calling.

So, on this International Women’s Day, let’s cheer for that strong, bold spirit that drives so many of us. Let’s celebrate the friendships that support us and the new ones waiting just around the corner. As we work in an industry still dominated by men, let’s remember the strength we bring and the changes we’re driving forward.

Women, Start Your Engines. It’s not just a call for today but for every day. It’s about our journey, our challenges, and our victories. It’s a tribute to every woman who’s ever felt the power of sitting behind the wheel of a tractor, who’s tackled the industry’s challenges, and who’s paving the way for future generations of women in agriculture.

Today, let’s honor our journey, rev up our engines with purpose, and keep moving forward, together, toward a future where every woman in agriculture feels empowered, appreciated, and celebrated.

Belle Baker, Tractoring for Women

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